Smoking tobacco, pipes, vapes, e-cigarettes is strictly prohibited in non-smoking rooms. OYO Hotel & Casino Las Vegas is committed to providing its non-smoking guests with a smoke free guestroom. The minimum age for check-in is 21 years old. Guests found smoking in the non-smoking rooms will be charged USD 250. Cash deposits are accepted in the amount of USD 300.00 which is refundable minus any incidentals charged. Prepaid Debit Cards are not accepted for the incidental authorization. Upon check-in, any remaining balance owed on the guest's reservation (room & tax and/or resort fees) will be collected as well as an incidental authorization of USD 100.00 on a credit or debit card.
The hotel charges a nightly incidental deposit. Taxes are applied to the daily resort fee. Contact the property directly for more details. Guests who book the breakfast included rate will receive a USD 25 food & beverage credit, separate from the total reservation amount.